We, the makers of this blog, have banded together in an effort to highlight and discuss the visual arts taking place in Spokane. We feel that exploring the diverse, regional art opportunities is an important step in growing an art community. We invite you to look through our events and become a part of our discussions. Thank you for stopping in.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back to Nature (with community arts)...

The Community Arts in Practice at Whitworth class has been enlisting the local Girl Scouts for their artistic skill and to share some facts about our state’s threatened wildlife.  The project began a month ago with each Whitworth student choosing an endangered animal to research.
Working on the Brown Pelican drawings
While the Grizzly and Gray Wolf were top picks, the research revealed that there are several species that need our protection.  The Whitworth students and Scouts worked in collaboration to design coloring book pages that describe the animals, their troubles, and things you can do to help. 
Painting the Woodland Caribou

The students and Scouts were faced with difficult drawing tasks: we can save the Chinook Salmon by conserving water use – but what does conserving water look like?  The forthcoming coloring book will show you!  The coloring book is meant to raise awareness, promote conservation, and protect our state’s unique and diverse wildlife. 
In tandem with the book, the students created a sculpture of their animal and the Scouts painted them.  An exhibition and coloring book sale (proceeds go to wildlife preservation) is forthcoming – we’ll post the date and location once it is confirmed.
Sample Coloring psge

Nice work!

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